Amber Shaw presents...

IGNITE Accelerator: 

My signature, 6 week starter course for separated or divorced women 35+ who want to begin the healing process.

A guided, self-paced roadmap to starting this new chapter of your life with clarity, confidence and a plan.

JOIN NOW FOR $197 >>

Why I created IGNITE

I know what it’s like to be a mom in mid-life trying to navigate divorce, feeling heartbroken, scared, and overwhelmed.

I know what it's like to be starting over and needing clarity and direction for what's next.

I also know what it's like to not even recognize yourself in the mirror anymore.

I know what it’s like to juggle the demands of being a single mom while trying to heal and fear that you'll never find happiness, love, or financial stability ever again.

And I know what it’s like to feel stuck, knowing you’re meant for more but being unable to get out of your rut.

Because I’ve been there.

But 5 years ago, at the age of 40, I learned how to heal and create a fulfilling life post-divorce that I never imagined.

And now I’m sharing exactly how I did it through IGNITE.

This Powerful Self-Study Course Is For You If:

  • You’re a mom over 35, feeling lost and overwhelmed in the midst of a painful divorce or recently divorced, unsure how to navigate this challenging transition. 
  • You're ready to prioritize self-care and start the path of self-discovery to finally get back to YOU.
  • You worry about financial stability and you’re anxious about how to secure a stable future for yourself and your kids.
  • Your identity has been wrapped up in being a mom for so long that you’ve lost sight of who you are and what you truly want in life.
  • You're struggling with self-confidence and self-worth, doubting your abilities to create a fulfilling life for yourself.
  • You worry that you’re too old to make significant changes in your life and fear that time is running out.
  • You’ve thought about creating a side hustle or starting something new to generate additional income but have no idea where to begin.
  • You're struggling to manage the rollercoaster of emotions and are ready for healing.
  • You're tired of feeling alone and want to connect with a community of women who truly get what you're going through.
  • You KNOW you're meant for more and realize it's time to take back control, create an actionable plan of attack and start optimizing every aspect of your life.

Ignite Accelerator is your NEXT LEVEL course to help you turn the page, release what's not serving you and finally take back control of your life.

How We'll Get You Unstuck 

We are going to focus on 3 key areas: 


Right off the bat we're going to get back to get back to YOUR self-care so that you have the energy and mental clarity to start the healing process.  Taking care of you is GROUND ZERO for successful change. 

This means laying the foundation for key nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits that are an effortless part of your life.  Not only will this set you up for success for feeling good in your body -  but it will also create the space for growth and confidence.  

By automating these elements, you'll free up not only physical energy but mental capacity and confidence to show up as your most powerful and authentic self.

Bottom line is when you feel good, you do good.  

We’ll focus on strategies that get lasting results, enhance your overall well-being, making sure that your health & wellness is sustainable and effortless, especially as a busy mom. 


This is where we'll explore the possibilities to financial security and purpose.  Whether you've been dreaming of leaving your 9 to 5 or simply creating a side hustle for additional income, we'll open the door for those curious about what it means to build something of their own but need a nudge in the right direction. 

Together we'll tap in to how you might generate additional income or pursue work that aligns with your passions and lifestyle - without the pressure to start a business.

This insightful work will pave the way for an action plan of safety and security without the fear and worry around finances.

This 6 week accelerator isn't enough time to get a full fledge business up and running but will lay the foundation and create clarity for the possibility for something  completely yours that opens doors to financial freedom.



In the IGNITE Accelerator, the pivotal focus is YOU and rediscovering who you are and what's next for your life.

In order to gain clarity and direction for your life, it must start with self-discovery.  It's about gaining the tools to own YOUR worth and stand confidently in your value and strength so you can make decisions from a place of power.

Clarity comes from holding space for yourself and being guided with the right questions to really tap into what YOU want for your life.

We'll dive into strategies for fostering positive self-talk, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing self-care, not as a luxury, but as a necessity.

By nurturing your self-esteem and self-worth, you're not only up leveling your own life but also setting a powerful example for your kids. They'll see first-hand the strength that comes from a mom who values and takes care of herself, teaching them the importance of self-respect and self-love.

Now is the time to start prioritizing yourself, to step into the best version of yourself—and reclaim your life because you deserve a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

This time is now.  It's YOUR time to move forward.

JOIN NOW FOR $197 >>

Hi! I'm Amber.

I'm a board-certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC), a certified personal trainer and dedicated mom of two.
But more than that, I am woman who took radical ownership of her life at the age of 40 and completely transformed her life.
My transformation began at yoga retreat in 2019 while in the middle of a painful divorce, feeling burnt out as a mom and very unfulfilled in my corporate job.  As I was getting ready to turn 40, with the guidance of a mentor, I started to ask myself the hard questions and evaluate my life. 
Six months after that retreat still in the thick of my divorce, I launched my coaching business. Another six months passed, and it became a six-figure venture that I was running full-time.
My divorce was one of the most painful periods of my life and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  But I was so grateful I had created my company and a financial safety net that gave me hope and strength.  Not only was I making my own money but I had the means to make even more because I was able to invest in myself.
Since leaving corporate sales job, I've scaled my coaching business to a multiple six figure business, created a podcast, The Wellness Revolution, that is in the top 2% globally, built a strong and recognized brand and secured thousands of dollars in brand deals - all from the ground up, while being a single mom, while not knowing a thing about starting a brand.
But what I'm most proud of is helping hundreds of women transform their lives.  It's the part of my work that gives me purpose, fulfillment, and lights me the hell up.
My journey from a place of brokenness to a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and purpose is why I created IGNITE. I believe that every woman has a spark within her that, when ignited, can lead to extraordinary transformation. It’s not just about building a successful career or improving your physical health; it’s about stepping into your power, embracing your true potential, and creating a life that’s aligned with your deepest values and dreams.
So, if you’re ready to take that first step towards a life of purpose, passion, and empowerment, I’m ready to walk alongside you. Let’s IGNITE your potential together.

How IGNITE Works + What's Included 

Signature Curriculum Designed to Clarify + Optimize ($1,500 value)

The IGNITE Accelerator includes a comprehensive, guided curriculum designed to build your knowledge and skills step by step. From mastering your mindset to prioritizing your self-care and laying the foundation for financial stability and personal growth, this curriculum covers it all.

Each week will be a streamlined combination of  brand new education and implementation.  I know that you are a busy mom who doesn't have hours to spend on this every week, so I have kept the format extremely simple but effective.

Every Monday you will have access to a brand new training that will be 10-20 minutes long on average.  

The trainings will be available for you to reference, as they are set up like blueprints for rinse-and repeat implementation. 

Then you can expect two support/implementation emails that expand on the weekly topic to hit your inbox every Wednesday and Friday.

The weekly emails are designed to complement the guided curriculum, providing deeper dives into 3 key areas of health & wellness, exploring turning your passion into additional income and taking care of YOU. 

You'll also have LIFETIME Access to this course so that you can go through it as many times as you want, especially when you're ready because you may listen to something that hits you now or depending on where you are at in your journey - you may listen to something that hits 6 months from now.  I wanted to make this a no-brainer for you since I am offering it for 50% off for a limited time.

(See below for full curriculum) 

Private Community for Connection, Celebration, and Ongoing Support ($500 value)

In addition to everything mentioned above, you also get access to a very special private community group.

This exclusive space is designed for connection, celebration, and continuous support throughout our time together.

And you will also get: 

  • Immediate Support Network: From day one, you'll be part of a community of like-minded women who understand where you're at. This network becomes your go-to for advice, encouragement, and support.

  • Celebrating Milestones Together: Wins, big and small, deserve recognition. In this community, we celebrate every win together, reinforcing the positive momentum needed for success.

  • Accountability Partnerships: Pair up with fellow IGNITERS who can keep you accountable to your goals. These partnerships often turn into lasting friendships and professional connections that extend well beyond the 6 weeks.

  • Direct Access to Amber: While the curriculum and emails provide structured guidance, the private group offers more informal access to me. Here, you can ask quickie questions or simply share your thoughts and get direct feedback.

  • Safe Space for Vulnerability: Saying 'yes' to transformation requires courage to be vulnerable. This private community offers a safe, supportive environment where you can openly share your challenges and fears without judgment.



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Here's How the Curriculum will Flow 

This comprehensive and game changing curriculum is tailored to separated or divorced moms 35+ who want to move forward and is designed to be the launch pad for this next chapter of life.

Over six weeks, we focus on starting the healing process, establishing control over your life, and setting the stage for a broader transformation. Here's how we'll do it:

Week 1: Awakening and Reclaiming Your Power 

  • Deep Dive Audit + Clarity Session: We'll start getting crystal clear on what's working in your life and what needs attention. By doing an individualized audit, you'll discover your unique transformation zones and get clear on where you're standing strong and where you need renewal. It's pinpointing the 'what' and 'where' that's ready for a powerful transformation in your life. It's about awakening to your own potential and starting to believe in the possibility of more.  This is STEP 1 for getting clarity and healing.

Week 2: Laying the Groundwork for Health & Wellness

  • Craft Your Self-Care Blueprint: Learn to prioritize your self-care with practical, sustainable strategies tailored for the busy mom. We will focus on the big dial movers that will help to get your wellness habits on lock but also integrate them into your life that feels effortless and sustainable.  There is no one-size fits all approach to self-care.  Together, we will dial in your nutrition, effective exercise routines, and mindfulness practices that fit into YOUR life, laying the groundwork for physical and mental strength.

Week 3: Cultivating Emotional Well-Being and Resilience

  • Fortify Your Mental and Emotional Core: Going through something like divorce can be incredibly draining.  The rollercoaster of emotions can leave you feeling depleted and beat down.  This week focuses on arming your with the tools you need to navigate the range of emotions with with compassion, grace and resilience.  You will learn some of the most powerful techniques I learned 5 years ago that brought me from barely surviving to thriving like a BOSS so that you can start to heal and make decisions in your life from a place of strength, confidence and power. 

Week 4: Mapping Out Your Dream Life

  • Next Steps Strategy Plan: With renewed insight, newfound strength and self-care more prioritized, your identity is starting to shift beyond just a wife and mom. You've now created the mental bandwith to really craft your ideal life.  Together, we will get crystal clear on the life you want and reverse engineer the steps needed to get you there.  This week is all about mapping out the tangible steps necessary for moving forward so that you have an action plan when you are ready to implement.

Week 5: Pathways to Purpose and Financial Independence

  • Creating Financial Security Through Something That's Just Yours: We will explore the possibilities for generating income or engaging in work that feeds your soul.  Whether you're in a corporate job that no longer fulfills you, or you want to start a side hustle for additional income - this week is all about discovering your passions + purpose and the possibility of turning it into additional revenue. 

Week 6: Crafting Your Specific Action Plan of Attack

  • Creating the Blueprint for Transformation: In our final week together we will put your powerful insights  from the previous 5 weeks into a solid, actionable strategy. We will identify pivotal next steps, convert dreams into a tangible action plan and prepare you to step boldly towards your transformation.

This 6-week accelerator is not just a course; it's a promise to yourself that you're ready to step into the power of "more." You'll finish with a clear plan of action, a rejuvenated sense of self, and a community of like-minded women who support your transformation. Let this be the beginning of a journey where you prioritize YOU, rediscover joy, and ultimately, reshape your life.

Are you ready to take that first step towards the life you deserve? Join us and find your way back to you.

Here's What it's Like to Work With Me

JOIN NOW FOR $197 >>

My Promise to You: 


After graduating the IGNITE Accelerator, here's exactly how you're going to be doing things... 

  • You're Navigating Life’s Big Decisions with Swagger: Say goodbye to fear and doubt.  You've got the clarity and guts to make those big choices that scare you a little (in a good way).
  • Your Confidence is Contagious: Every time you catch a glimpse of yourself, you see someone you're proud of and worth celebrating.  You're prioritizing your self-care and people are noticing - it feels good as hell.
  • You're Unlocking Your Full Potential: No more feeling stuck or wondering "what if." You're standing in your power and actively pursuing the things that light up your world.
  • You're the Poster Child for Self-Love and Boundaries: You no longer have guilt for prioritizing yourself and your friends are looking to you on how to live a life of unapologetic self-care, firm boundaries, and confidence.
  • You're Tackling Fears Like a Friggin Pro: Those old fears of judgment and failure?  You've mastered the art of thriving, emotionally and mentally.
  • You've Got an Action Plan and You're Running with It: You know exactly what steps to take to elevate  your life.
  • You're Revolutionizing Your Self-Care: You've created lasting health & wellness habits that fit seamlessly into your life, transforming both body and mind.
  • You're a Resilience Rockstar: Armed with tools to manage emotions and navigate healing, you're more resilient than ever.
  • You're Setting Boundaries Like a Boss: Saying no becomes second nature, ensuring your time and energy are spent on what truly matters to you.
  • You're Prioritizing What Makes You Happy: Happiness isn't just on your to-do list; it's a non-negotiable part of your daily life.
  • You're Stepping Up as the CEO of Your Life: Making decisions from a place of strength, you're in control and loving it.
  • You're Excited for the Possibility of Combining Financial Independence & Purpose: With new insights for what's possible for creating something that's just your own, you're paving your way to financial freedom and autonomy.
  • You're Have a Plan For a Life of Clarity, Confidence & Fulfillment

Show up, put in the work, and watch as these transformations become your reality. Ready to get started?

Now is your moment...


 Are you ready?

TOTAL VALUE: $2,000  

 Join now for just:

